I feel like I've said this a million times on this blog, but here it is again- I have an amazing group of friends. They're all different, they're all hilarious, and they all would drop everything to stop and help me. And they have. They are all different too. Some are just wild and crazy and some are more conservative and laid back.
It seems like after living through Mike dying and having these people beside me, has just strengthened my friendships across the board. When Mike was sick and in the hospital, people who didn't even know each other became friends. Friends of mine are now close to Mike's brothers and sisters, and we've become a pretty cool group.
I think back when I met all of them, I knew in the back of my head that the person had "it". For most of them, I can even think of the moment when it hit me. "It" being the coolness factor that would make this person part of my life for a long time. My best friend and I met while working at a clinic together. She had been working there for a couple months, I was there for a year or too. We were at an outside party and we were trying to find a bottle opener- out of nowhere she busts a flip flop with a bottle opener in the sole. BOOM. That was "it". Friends for life.
My best friend for 10 years, and the reason Mike and I met, met while I worked at a restaurant. Like all good friendships, we hated each other at first. Then one day, we started talking about a crazy lady that worked there. I said something funny, she retorted and BOOM. Friends.
The Star Squad |
Since the summer, I have someone new in my life. Same situation with him, I met him at a Fourth of July party, he's friends with my bestie's (the one with the sandal) husband. From my birthday, to the Cubs World Series crazyness, his birthday, we have become really good friends pretty quickly. The other day, we were talking about when we first met and what our first impressions of each other were. And I remember the moment when I realized he had "it". We actually got paired up to bags partners, and quite frankly I wasn't in the mood to deal with any douchebagness. That was my first impression, douchebag.....sorry buddy! Plus one has to remember that it was the first real big holiday after losing Mike. I wasn't having a great day to begin with, add in playing a game I'm not the greatest at- I was cranky. But once I started playing and talking to him, I knew this kid had something special.
Cubs Win!! |
Here we are 7 months later and he's just about my best friend. Now, here's the other part- he's a guy. SOOOOO pretty much everyone and their mother has asked me if we're dating or banging. Granted it's a valid question, he's a guy, I'm a girl, we're both good looking and young. So what I have said to most everyone who asks- he's my friend, he makes me happy, and I like spending time with him. Period, end of story. For most my life, my friends have been guys. It wasn't until I met Mike that I started having more girl friends.
And.....I'm not gonna lie, having a dude around has been nice. If I need help with stuff around the house, he does it for me. I can get his guy opinion about things going on in the world. Olivia is absolutely in love with him, she talks about him all the time, loves his dog and she enjoys him being around.
The other good part of having him in my life, he didn't know Mike. As much as I love all of my friends, I think some of them still see me as Mike's other half. I don't blame them, and I get it. I'm used to being the other half of Mike & Lindsay. What I love the most about my new friend is that he sees me as just Lindsay. Not Lindsay, Mike's widow. He's not duty bound to take care of me or spend time with me- he does it because I'm the shit. After living through the death of my best friend, husband, lover this past year- I'm ecstatic to have someone see me as me. Someone to spend time with, laugh with, enjoy the world with. I could really give two shits if he's a guy, girl or llama. ♡